
CargoBeamer  Identity and website redesign for CargoBeamer. The Dresden based ‘Road to Rail’ company has developed a smart system allowing truck containers to easily be moved onto trains and back. Continuously expanding their European network, this system has saved over 100,000,000 tons of CO2 and counting.  CargoBeamer

Social Media Stickers

Social Media Stickers Given the success of the creatures we designed for the Experience Center’s coffee mugs we were asked to animate them so they could be used as social media stickers. So much fun! Wacom

Wacom Connected Ink 2021

Connected Ink, 2021 Connected Ink is Wacom’s key event surrounding the topic of ‘digital ink’. It is an open innovation platform which takes you on a journey of creativity, art and music combined with the latest developments in digital transformation and ink technology.    Also in 2021 we designed the event’s identity including the key […]

Rose Marie

Website & Social Media, 2021 Website design for Rose Marie’s Garten & Bar, a new restaurant concept in the city of Essen in close collaboration with HouseOne. Check out the menu and you’ll want to go there immediately! Rosemarie

Esprit Dynamic Days

Dynamic Days A selection of animated posts and stories created for “Dynamic Days” such as Valentine’s, #WorldCancerDay, #InternationalFriendshipDay, #InternationalYogaDay, International Day Against Homophobia, Transphobia and Biphobia, #EUElectionsDay, the fall of the Berlin Wall, and #InternationalKissingDay…! Esprit

Esprit Craig & Karl

Craig & Karl Campaign, 2019 Campaign design for Esprit’s collaboration with Craig & Karl including the online shop, social media and … donut design! Esprit

Esprit Throwback

#Throwback Campaign, 2019 Campaign design for Esprit’s Throwback campaign including a website, Pinterest boards, Instagram stories and custom stickers as well as a number of fun animations.  Esprit

Esprit Better Denim

Better Denim Campaign A series of posts and stories created to announce Esprit’s ‘Better Denim’, a more sustainable line of denim styles made from eco-friendly fibers and new washing techniques: “Better fit, better feel, better for the world.” Esprit

Esprit Pinterest

Esprit Pinterest A selection of posts created for Esprit’s Pinterest boards expanding on the story behind a style, outfit or campaign by adding inspiration and fun.  Esprit

Esprit UN Women Campaign

UN Women Campaign, 2019 Campaign design for Esprit’s UN Women campaign including a microsite, Pinterest boards, Instagram stories as well as posts.  Esprit